18+ is DF18+ signature blend of 18 innovative plant derived actives, bio-hacked to amplify and unlock the potential of nature’s resources. The actives work together synergistically, blended for a cross-functional approach. Powerful on their own but outstandingly efficient in collaboration. This is the ultimate plant-based solution with the highest level of plant biodiversity per bottle. If you would like to know more, please refer to our websites 18+ section, where we go in depth to introduce our hero blend.
If you are unsure on which DF18+ product is right for you, don’t worry we can help. If you are located outside of Milan, you can take a short online analysis (attach link to skin analysis) where we can guide you in the right direction.
Or stop by DF18+’s flagship store, where we offer a state-of-the-art mechanism designed for dermatologists, that monitors the condition of your skin over time and reveals what DF18+ product you need to elevate your skin care.
DF18+ offers a comprehensive, by-appointment https://calendly.com/df18cosmetics/30min Skin Analysis in our flagship store in Via Santo Spirito 19, located in the heart of Milan’s luxury shopping district.
If you are unable to visit our store DF18+ offers an online Skin Analysis (link to online skin analysis) that can guide you in the right skincare direction.
Yes, DF18+ products can be used every day. In fact, with dedicated, continuous use you will accomplish the best skin enhancing results.
All DF18+ products are carefully made in our exclusive, world renowned laboratories located in Switzerland.
While DF18+ aims for its products to be as natural as possible, it is far more important that the ingredients in them be effective and safe for your body and skin.
If you would like to know more about DF18+ formulations, please refer to our websites 18+ section, where we go in depth to introduce our hero blend. Or you can check out the active ingredient list in each product’s dedicated page.
DF18+ does not perform animal testing on any of our products.
All DF18+ products are available for purchase online or in our store in Via Santo Spirito 19, located in the heart of Milan’s luxury shopping district.
DF18+’s flagship store is open from 10:00am to 1:30pm and from 2:30pm to 7:00pm Tuesday through Saturday. On Sundays and Monday the DF18+ store remains closed.
Shipping times may vary depending on the final package destination. But most major cities, national or international, packages can be delivered within 1-2 working days.
DF18+ offers worldwide shipping, shipping times may vary depending on the final package destination.
DF18+ offers free returns on any European purchases. For a refund, products must be returned completely unopened and untampered.
For international purchases, to receive a refund you must cover the return shipping costs and make sure the products are completely unopened and untampered.
For any additional inquiries please send us an email to: store@df18cosmetics.com